A community following
the way of Jesus
for the good of our city

10am Sundays

Making & Deepening Disciples

Rooted and grounded in love, we seek to grow up together into the fullness of Jesus.

Sunday Worship

We gather to be with God in an embodied way; hearing his word and eating together at his table

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Spiritual Formation

We want to be transformed as we draw near to God, building a life that grows in peace and love

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Mental Health

The whole gospel is for the whole person, and discipleship includes our mental wellbeing

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A Multiethnic Mosaic

Discipleship is strengthened by diversity, and we want to be formed by the beautiful gifts of many

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Family Ministries at FirstCov

In Jesus, we are given a new family. From Jesus, we are taught to honor and welcome children, learning faith from them.

Seeking Portland’s Welfare

In Jesus, we grow in justice and mercy. With Jesus, we work and serve for the good of the city and her many citizens.

the Glass

Encouragement Wisdom Growth

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