Immigrants and Refugees

Why immigrants and refugees?

Jesus teaches his followers and friends to love and welcome the stranger, and to build an inclusive, beloved community. A political refugee himself, Jesus reaches out in compassion to diverse populations to rekindle our shared, common humanity.

First Covenant builds mutual relationships with the newest members of our city in partnership with two local nonprofits.

Partnership Spotlight: Immigrant Refugee Community Organization (IRCO)

the Immigrant Refugee Community Organization (IRCO) promotes the integration of refugees, immigrants and the community at large into a self-sufficient, healthy and inclusive multi-ethnic society. For over 40 years, IRCO has been recognized as a leading nonprofit serving multiple immigrant and refugee populations.

First Covenant is a proud partner of IRCO, offering our facilities in long-term partnership. We host a weekly transitional kindergarten program for IRCO families, and through our mutual friendship, serve these families throughout the year.

Partnership Spotlight:
Refugee Care Collective (RCC)

Refugee Care Collective (RCC) mobilizes the city of Portland to serve diverse populations of refugees being resettled in the Portland Metro area, in order to empower refugees to rebuild their lives and step more fully into self-sustainability.

Through restart kits and relational programs, partnership with resettlement agencies, and namely, the thousands of people who have given of their time and resources, Refugee Care Collective plays an active role in Portland refugee resettlement, bridging the gap between what is and what could be.

First Covenant partners with RCC by building resettlement kits and offering relational mentoring to the newest members of our community.


A Plan for Color-Courageous Discipleship

